Past members:

PhD positions: If you are interested in applying for a PhD with me and have a strong mathematical background, feel free to send an email. I will do my best to reply, but may not be able to respond quickly due to the high volume of email I receive.

Information about applying for a PhD can be found here. Funding for PhD students is available from various sources including the Cambridge Trust for overseas students, and EPSRC doctoral training awards for UK students. Applying early is highly recommended; you can find the funding deadlines here.

Note: I do not have summer internship opportunities for non-Cambridge undergraduates.

Postdoctoral Positions: I currently do not have postdoctoral funding, but there are a number of fellowships available for postdoctoral research in the UK. Some of these are:
- Newton International Fellowships for non-UK candidates.
- The EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship scheme.
- Marie Curie fellowships.

Most of these fellowships require a research proposal submitted with the support of the host organization (University of Cambridge, in this case). In addition to these fellowships, a number of the Cambridge colleges also sponsor Research Fellowships to support recent PhD graduates. Additional details are usually available on the individual college websites.